Could there be no future for permanent alimony in Florida?  The proposed changes in Senate Bill 718 would have just that effect.  Not only would the bill get rid of permanent alimony in Florida, it would also place a limit on the amount of alimony that could be awarded based on the length of the marriage and the ex-spouse’s income.  The current bill suggests a cap of 25 percent of the former spouse’s income for marriages that lasted 10 years or less;  a cap of 35 percent for marriages that lasted between 10 and 20 years; and a cap of 38 percent for marriages that lasted more than 20 years.

The bill would also require alimony to end or be reduced when the paying spouse reaches the normal age for retirement.  One of the most controversial provisions in the bill is that it would be retroactive for divorce agreements that were entered into before July, 2013.  Family Law of Orlando will be closely watching the developments surrounding these proposed changes.  If you have questions about what Senate Bill 718 may mean for your divorce, please contact our office to schedule an initial consultation with Attorney Wade P. Luther.  You can email Family Law of Orlando or call (407) 835-9900.