If you are filing for divorce in Florida or have just been served with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the initial paperwork being filed.  Many Florida residents may not even be aware that filing for divorce is actually filing a law suit against your spouse.  Clients are often concerned that they may be “rocking the boat” by asking for so much in the Petition. 

 It is important to remember that the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage must include any request that a Petitioner may ultimately seek.  In general, if you do not ask for something in the Petition, you cannot get it later.  The same is true for the Counter-Petition filed by the Respondent.  So, in the Petition, your experienced divorce attorney will ask for everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.  Typically, the terms of your Final Judgment of Divorce will be negotiated many times between the filing of the Petition and the Final Hearing. 

 If you are considering filing for divorce or have just been served with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, you’ll want to be sure you are asking for everything that you’re entitled to receive.  Now is the time to seek advice from an experienced Family Law Attorney.  To schedule an initial consultation with Attorney Wade P. Luther you can email us or call our office at (407) 835-9900.