A General Magistrate may preside in your Orlando divorce or family law matter.  Per Florida Family Law Rules, Judges of the circuit court may appoint as many general magistrates from among the members of The Florida Bar in the circuit as the judges find necessary.  The courts are overburdened with cases.  The appointment of General Magistrates helps to ease the burden in that a General Magistrate can preside over hearings and make recommendations to the circuit judge.  This allows more cases to move through the court system than would be possible with the current number of judges.

It is important to understand your rights and responsibilities if your divorce or family law matter is referred to a General Magistrate.  If you are in need of a qualified family law lawyer to protect your rights during a divorce, child custody or other family law matter, schedule an initial consultation with Attorney Wade P. Luther.  Mr. Luther can be reached by contacting Family Law of Orlando by email or by calling (407) 835-9900.